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卡位,香港眾多獨立樂隊之一。對音樂充滿熱誠的卡位成立於2003年的一個夏天,元老包括阿文、阿錡、史提芬及黎龍。後來又加入了更多成員,現時卡位成員有史提芬(Lead guitar)、黎龍(Drums)、CY(Vocals)、Rockman(Guitar & Backing vocals)、Keith(Bass & Backing vocals)、Jay(Keyboards)和 Kurt(Drums)。截至2013年6月,卡位擁有超過40首原創歌曲。在音樂的無限搜索旅程中,他們的音樂暫被界定為pop-rock。卡位不斷參與本地及國內的不同band show,期待與更多的人分享他們的音樂。



Carseat, an indie rock band based in Hong Kong. With loads of enthusiasm and passion for music, Carseat was formed in the summer of 2003 by Rockman Ling, Stephen Yiu and Jack Lai. Today, the band consists of Stephen (lead guitar), Jack (drums), CY (vocals), Rockman (guitar, backing vocals), Keith (bass, backing vocals), Jay (keyboards) and Kurt (drums). Carseat produced more than 40 songs up until 2013. Their music is considered as pop-rock, meanwhile growing and evolving with different styles of music. Carseat has been participating varies band shows locally and in China as well. If Carseat believe in just one thing, they believe in alcohol




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